Our Easy Laptop Buying Guide

Laptop buying guide

There’s really only one main problem for the vast majority of laptop buyers. Being faced with a plethora of different options can be off-putting for anyone who just wants to buy a decent laptop that will work for their needs.

Not everyone wants or needs to get into the finer details about the components or advanced features when shopping for a laptop, so to make things a little easier we’ve put together a simple guide. Just answer the following questions (in order) and you should have a better idea of what you’re looking for. Continue reading…

Sourcing Low-Cost IT Equipment For Your Office

Sourcing Low-Cost IT Equipment For Your Office

If you’re setting up a business of any size, it’s usually essential that you have at least some basic office equipment. In the majority of cases, computers and other related IT supplies are a top priority, but the cost of investing in these before you’ve properly launched your business can be prohibitive. It’s easy to see how costs can quickly add up when you consider how much equipment you might need just to get started in an average office. Continue reading…

How To Save Money On Student Laptops

Cheap student laptops

There are usually a lot of expenses for students (and parents) to handle when getting set up for studying, so anywhere you can save money tends to be a big help. Choosing a new laptop is definitely something that’s easy to overspend on, but you don’t need to.

Here are a few tips to help you get the best value when choosing a laptop. Continue reading…

IT Clear Launches New Website To Provide The Best Deals

Dell Laptops

Welcome to our newly-designed IT Clear website! We are excited to be launching this new platform, redesigned to bring you the very best and latest deals from ITC Sales, our online shop specialising in cheap laptops, computers, servers and other IT peripherals.

Straight away you’ll probably notice that our home page is absolutely packed with up-to-date special offers. Our offers from ITC Sales are updated daily, so you can be confident that you’re seeing the latest discounts all in one place. This is the whole purpose of IT Clear – to provide immediate access to all the best prices on some amazing lines. Continue reading…